Open Letter to our Community

January 2024


Dear Friends,


Emerald Learning Center and its parent company HH4K are currently in the process of acquiring the Northwest School of Innovative Learning (NWSOIL) location, accepting students that were enrolled at NWSOIL and employing staff members.  For more information, please visit or contact Mike Sycz, Head of School at Emerald Learning Center at [email protected].


While NWSOIL is disappointed in the circumstances that will lead to our closure in January 2024, we are heartened that a positive outcome for students and staff has been realized. 


The Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) placed a restrictive admission hold on NWSOIL at the start of the 2022-2023 school year, and although we complied with their requests and they complimented us during site visits, OSPI was unwilling to lift the hold.  A low enrollment does not serve students well long-term, as the educational environment should include valuable, diverse peer-to-peer interaction and learnings for students’ social development. Further, a low student number would not have been sustainable for the school or rewarding for our teachers.


Since its opening in 2000, NWSOIL has been privileged to serve thousands of students.  The school team worked closely with local school districts to create Individualized Education Plans (IEP) that addressed each child’s specific needs. Our students were able to acquire adaptive coping skills through group therapy and behavior modification within a supportive and collaborative learning environment.  


Together with our counterparts at Emerald Learning, we are committed to supporting smooth transitions.  We wholeheartedly wish everyone well.          


Northwest School of Innovative Learning Leadership Team